Prehistoric civilizations of the earth. The most ancient civilizations on earth

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The concept of Markov random processes
In recent years, methods of statistical analysis, evaluation and...
2023-11-02 02:10:32
Existence of a zero element in the field of complex numbers
A complex number z is called. expression, where a and b are real numbers, i is an imaginary unit or...
2023-11-02 02:10:32
Longitudinal and transverse waves Effect of chain forces
> Longitudinal waves Study the propagation, direction and speed of longitudinal waves: what waves...
2023-11-02 02:10:32
Modern problems of science and education
ISSN: 2310-7081 (online), 1991-8615 (print) doi: http://dx.doi UDC 517.956.3 PROBLEM ABOUT...
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Number series online. Sum of the series. Sequence of odd numbers
FEDERAL AGENCY FOR EDUCATIONState educational institution of higher education...
2023-11-02 02:10:32