Kaliningrad Naval School of the Baltic Fleet. Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Navy "Naval Academy" (branch, Kaliningrad)

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The concept of sampling. Sample types. Fundamentals of sampling and the formation of a simple random sample Simple random sample
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2022-09-26 04:57:14
"Captain": a floating disaster
"Monarch" and "Captain" If the history of the introduction of the Erickson tower in the US Navy is the most ...
2022-09-01 00:04:06
Incidents of the era of steam and electricity: extreme shipbuilding
As a result of this dispute, Childers gave the go-ahead for the construction of a new turret battleship (the future ...
2022-09-01 00:04:06
The first defeat of the Wehrmacht in the USSR
A lot has been said about the factors that contributed to the victory of the USSR over Germany, much less attention ...
2022-09-01 00:04:06
Department of Modern National History and Historiography of Omsk State University - Mamontova
The Mammoths are an amazing merchant dynasty. The commercial and industrial life of Russia at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries ...
2022-09-01 00:04:06