Corrective work with children with severe developmental disorders. Abilities and their development

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Persian power: history of origin, life and culture
Introduction 2 Review of sources 3 5 10 13 Organization of the Persian Empire under...
2023-12-06 03:41:10
Princes, Tsars and Emperors of Russia (Ashet Collection)
The ancient Russian chronicle of the 12th century “The Tale of Bygone Years” introduces us to a very interesting...
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The tale of Koschey the Immortal for children to read Koschey the Immortal
In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king; this king had three sons, all of them...
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Fundamental theorem of functional analysis Fundamental theorem of analysis
The concept of integration, and to some extent differentiation, was well developed earlier...
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Confidentiality of information
“We didn’t wait for the sailors to come, and we ourselves - Allerdyce, the carpenter and I - pulled the chest onto...
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